Monday, February 14, 2011

Fill your world with love

“All we really want is love’s confusing joy.” This ancient proverb was written by the poet Rumi and was a tying line in last year’s star packed movie Valentine’s Day. This line is my Facebook status and latest tweet today.
            On this holiday, this quote defines a lot. I love Valentine’s Day. Most people, especially single people, hate this day. But the way I see it, this day isn’t just about love shared between couples. It is a day to express to all the people in your life who make you feel loved that you are grateful for them and you love them too.
            When I was a kid, I couldn’t get my mind around the idea of loving a God I didn’t know or couldn’t see more than I loved my parents. I still sometimes can’t. I love my parents “to the moon and back.”
            They brought me into the world, raised me to be a caring, thoughtful, smart individual, and did it with all the love in their hearts. They are most deserving of my love because no matter what I did or who I was, I was always deserving of theirs. So thank you, Mom and Dad, for all the love you put into my life so in turn I can be a loving person too.
            The next people I want to express my love for are my two best friends of nearly 15 years. Because of Katie and Jenna, I know what it means to make your own family out of the people God puts in your life. They have loved me unconditionally for so long, I would be a bitter unloving friend without them.
Jenna’s love is sometimes tough love, but sometimes that is the only kind we need. She pushes me to be a better person because of the way she loves me.
Katie’s love is a fun love. She knows so much about me and loves me anyway.
I also need to acknowledge Taylor and Ellie, my fun loving friends from high school who show love in their everyday actions. They care so much about making the world a more fun place to live by loving and living in a way that only they can.
My newest love is for Chelsea and Kait, my very best friends in Boston. The way they love those in their lives so fiercely inspires me to feel more about everything in my life. They grasp life with every inch of love that fills them. They deserve my love because we took each other in and made college what we wanted.
Love is what you want it to be. It can be passionate, friendly, endearing or heartbreaking. Whatever it is in your life, make sure you cherish that feeling of wonderful, wonderful confusing joy of love. Fill your world with the love that others give you.
Happy Valentine’s Day!

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