Saturday, January 7, 2012

Happy 2012!

It is a new year, and the weight loss ads are plaguing our televisions and resolutions are being kept and broken.
            My resolution this year is to be more open. Open to new experiences, people and ideas. My resolution is to be braver.
            I have started my co-op job. For the past year and a half, I have talked about this program my school offers, but now I can officially talk about it with authority.
            The whole process of applying and interviewing for jobs began in mid-October. I was offered the job I took the day before Thanksgiving.
            I am now working at The Boston Globe in the South Regional office. I work at the Globe headquarters in South Boston. I ride the bus 40 minutes from the T station by my dorm to the T station four blocks from the Globe building.
            I started on Tuesday. My job involves putting stories that the South correspondents write onto the Yourtown sites that we manage. I am learning a little HTML and a web management system, all good things to know for the future of journalism.
I also deliver papers around the newsroom to different heads of department. This is my favorite thing to do because I get to be in a busy newsroom where reporters are on the phone with sources, discussing the news and sorting out problems with editors.
The first day I went around, everyone I met was friendly and welcoming and made me feel good to be working in such a reputable place.
I also put news briefs into the system for different editors to look at. I will start writing stories soon.
So far, it has been a great experience at the Globe.
But we will see where the next six months take me. That is why my resolutions are being open and braver. I want to seize every opportunity that comes my way and make the most of this incredible chance.
I miss home like crazy. I miss the Colorado air and mountains. I miss waking up to my dogs’ wagging tails. I miss eating dinner with my parents every night. I miss my friends’ banter and spontaneity. And it will be at least six months before I will get to see these things again.
So that is why I want to be braver. I want to find the silver lining to missing all that is familiar to me. I have been given a chance to do something with my life, so I better take it.
I want to feel life with all that I have. I want to live to the absolute brim of happiness and success, which doesn’t come without a little failure and loneliness.
I can’t wait to see what 2012 brings me. And I wish all of you the best year of fun and adventure. May we be partners in experiencing life to the most this year.

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