Thursday, September 2, 2010

I am from...

Well, I am officially here in Boston. I moved in, went to orientation, and now I am waiting for classes to begin. The goodbyes were hard. Saying goodbye to my two best friends of 13 years, my group of best friends from high school, the girls I bonded with for two years at my part time job and of course, my parents, was hard. The goodbyes were painful, but I think the hellos are even more painful.
            No one told us it would be this hard to meet people and say hello to a whole new lifestyle, especially one without air conditioning in a teeny tiny dorm room. Thankfully I have a great roommate who I have a lot in common with, but enough differences to keep things interesting. Things will get better, because they certainly cannot get worse.
             Just the other day I was talking to a friend also adjusting to college life. We both expressed our wishes that life was like the movies. I sometimes wish it was like the typical college movie with amazing college students who take on the world with apparent ease. Living in a situation like Legally Blonde or Animal House would make life so easy. But it would also be so predictable and what’s the fun in life if it were predictable. Life is great because even though we don’t always know what’s right around the corner, we can shape that future.
            In a way this is what makes adjustment to college so difficult. This is a phase in our lives we anticipate for months, if not years. We all expect it to just happen like magic. We all even knew it might be hard, but not this hard.
Everything is so knew and fresh that we forget what we know and where we came from. We forget that, yes, high school did prepare us for some of this. We forget that college won’t last forever. We forget that anyone who has been through college would probably love to be in our position again. But I think sometimes we forget most importantly where we came from that made this whole experience possible.
In order to help myself remember where I came from I have written an “I am from…” poem. I also want to honor all of those people I will not forget. So here you go.  

I am from…
I am from Westminster, Colorado
I am from 10160 Vrain Ct. with the pool in the backyard
I am from snowy winters and short springs
I am from everything Colorado

I am from Nativity of Our Lord Catholic School
I am from Miss Kircher’s first grade
I am from Girl Scout Troop 1915
I am from Flying G Ranch

I am from Holy Family High School
I am from the Class of 2010
I am from whipped cream fights
I am from the Lamp Post

I am from Which Wich
I am from sharpies and brown bags
I am from crazy customers
I am from amazing coworkers

I am from two red dogs who look a little like me
I am from the best friends a girl could ask for
I am from the world’s best parents
I am from a world of love

I am now from Boston, MA
I am now from Northeastern U
I am now from Smith Hall, Room 229
I am still from all of you

One half of my dorm room. Mine is the bottom bunk.
 For more pictures go to

1 comment:

  1. Fun to read your blog.... hope you keep it up and your school work doesn't get in the way!
