Tuesday, March 8, 2011

My Lenten Resolution

Tomorrow begins one of the most dreaded seasons of the year for Catholics: Lent. Sure it’s a great time to self-reflect, and to challenge ourselves to go without some things that make life a little more enjoyable, but I still dread the somber season.
            During my childhood it was always a true test to give up sweets for 40 days. The task made Easter morning that much sweeter to see a basket full of Peeps and a chocolate bunny since it had been such a long time since I had consumed processed sugar.
            I still like to give up sweets just for that reason, and it is still difficult to go without the occasional mindless dessert.
            Last year I wanted to try something even harder. Try and guess what it was. I’ll give you a few hints first. What do teenagers spend most of their time doing? What is important to a high schooler? What would most teenagers do without this particular thing?
            Before I give you the answer, I’ll answer those questions for you. Teenagers spend their time on the Internet. A social life may be the most important thing when you’re 17. And most teenagers I know would self-destruct without this precious commodity in their life.
            You guessed it…Facebook. I gave up Facebook last year, and am attempting to try it again this year.
            It was hard to resist the temptation of one small click on the computer to see what everyone in my inner and outer social circles were up to. I slipped a couple of times in the first few weeks, but I got a little better as the 40 days went on. I did however spend a lot of time on the site on Sundays (which don’t count towards the 40 days).
            I love this challenge. As a college student I spend a superfluous amount of my time on my computer. As unwilling as I am to admit this, I probably spend at least an hour of my time a day on Facebook, and much more on other various sites.
            I think the next 40 days will be a good cleanse of my horrible habit of Facebook creeping, playing Family Feud and browsing the news feed. Thank you Mark Zuckerberg for such a great time waster, social connection, game forum and small visual model of my world. But I need a break from my silly and harmless addiction. Lent is the perfect opportunity.
            So goodbye, Facebook, I’ll see you on Sundays and we will be fully reunited on Easter.
            Maybe God didn’t have these kinds of sacrifices in mind when He sent His Son to die for our sins, but in my mind this is a big sacrifice that will be good for me.

P.S. Since most of you read my blog from the posts I put on Facebook, I might sneak on to put up my newest posts in the next 40 days.

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